Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Aug. 3, 2009: The bruise

I called the regular doctor's office this morning and got myself an appointment for the afternoon. PT people were shocked at the bruise! I remembered to tell them I have my appointment on Wednesday with the ortho.. Meanwhile, this afternoon, primary doctor was surprised at the size of the bruise. Agreed stopping Mobic was a good idea (for now at least). Blood was drawn for a platelet count and a potassium check (because of the tightening muscle). BP was really high there-higher than I ever have seen it, 162 over something. So she said before prescribing medicine for that (it had been high usually for the last 1.5 years), I should get a home BP monitor and take readings 3 a day for 3 weeks and then bring it to look at. I thought we already had one but when I got home, Henry said it was not working so I had to get another. I've taken my BP now twice, once at 4:30: 121/76 and then at 8PM after running down 5-6 stairs from up here in my office to downstairs in the living room, and it was 123/78. That's a whole lot lower than at the doctor's! I go back on August 24 with the monitor.

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