Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday Oct. 29, 2009: The appointment

I'm home. The answer is he doesn't think I'm ready for the surgery, which he thought was funny since it's his job to operate on people. He said in the stages of arthritis, between 0-10, at this point, I am only at a 1, despite pain. He said to keep moving, walking, gentle exercises. He also is worried that given my relatively young age for such a procedure, the odds are it will wear out sooner rather than later. BUt he also said I don't want to be too old either because you will often end up with other medical problems (which is what happened with my mother). He also is not completely sold on the hip resurfacing process itself---he compared it (or after what he said, I compared it to) not buying a new model car in the first year it is out. So for now, I will do what he says.
Oh--more cool thing. We were talking about the rheumatology office and he wanted me to take with me a couple of xrays of my new knee to show the rheumatologist. So I will next week. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if I can scan the xrays because they're really cool to look at!
Edited to say I got the xray scanned. Not perfect but you can see the implant!

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