Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Oct. 13, 2009: Supartz shots scheduled

I now have all my Supartz shots scheduled.

#1: Oct. 28 (two weeks from tomorrow)

#2: Nov. 04

#3: Nov. 10

#4: Nov. 17

#5: Nov. 24

Meanwhile my hip is aching. Lovely.

And our poor cat Jack (who is pictured to the side, 10 years ago, about twice the weight he is now) is doing poorly. I had to take him to the vet today. The last week, his appetite, which has always been big, dwindled to practically nothing. So he's now, temporarily, on prednisone to increase his appetite, in addition to his thyroid medication (which I know now to get at the Costco pharmacy) The vet thought she felt some irregularity along his abdominal wall and thought his kidneys felt smaller than they should be. Since, even if it is some kind of cancer, we are not treating him and are instead concentrating on his quality of life. So we shall see how it goes...

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