Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sat. Feb. 21, 2009

I've found a couple more Facebook knee groups. I joined them and today I removed myself from a couple of them, staying active with the Knee Replacement one although I am virtually the only person who has had a PKR in the group. Everyone else has had a TKR.
Meanwhile. I found a semi-long-lost relative-having had contact a number of years ago through the JewishGen site but then had email issues. But I found her on Facebook! I found out my childhood cross-eyedness was hereditary! She had it too as did her aunt and her grandfather who was the brother of my grandfather! I've also found a bunch of Dalton and Beloit classmates as well as old friends. Pretty wild!
My left hip has been aching while sleeping on my side and occasionally while I've been sitting so I've been trying not to sleep that way which is pretty hard.
So that's about it for now!

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