Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb,. 9, 2010: Blood donation date & surgery approved

I arranged yesterday for a date for the autologous blood donation but wrote down one date in my notebook and another date on the calendar so I had to call this morning to get that cleared up as to the correct date! So it's Monday April 5, the day before my pre-op with my regular doctor.
This morning, the surgery scheduler from the ortho office called while HEnry was on the phone and so I had to call her back and then wait for the return call. She said surgery was approved by insurance and that she had gotten a notice saying I had scheduled the MRI date. So as of now, this is what my schedule looks like (it includes yesterday's appointment):

Availability (for work):

1) Not available at all:
Monday Feb. 8- Regular doctor, airplane drug appointment, 11:15AM
Monday Feb. 22 Ortho., cortisone shot, pre-trip, 10:30
Friday Feb. 26: MRI at the hospital of my knee, 8:45AM
Sunday Feb. 28 - Saturday March 13 Azores trip
Tuesday March 16 Joint replacement class, hospital, 12:30
Monday April 5: Blood bank, autologous blood donation, 1:30
Tuesday April 6: regular doctor, pre-op, 9:30
Friday April 9: Ortho pre-op, 10:00

2) Available in the afternoon:

Wednesday March 17 Hemo, 9:30
Friday March 19: Regular doctpr cholesterol retest
Thursday March 25 rheumy office, 9:45AM

3) Medical leave to begin Sunday April 18. Surgery is scheduled for April 21.

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