Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Dec. 5, 2009: H1N1 vaccinations & short knee update

Having seen a small article in the newspaper last weekend about the Danbury VNA opening up the H1N1 vaccination up to more people, I called on Monday to see if HEnry and I qualified now. Someone from my ITP group had said "blood disorder" was included in a form she saw for it. And indeed, it did. I was accepted immediately. The woman on the phone had to check about Henry as a cancer survivor. He was okayed so we got an appointment for both of us. It was painless but by afternoon, my/our arms were a bit sore. But nothing else.
As far as the knee goes, I haven't noticed much of a difference after having the 5 Supartz shots. The shots didn't hurt as much this time. My knee doesn't feel wonderfully better but it doesn't feel worse either. So who knows.....Going back for a follow up for the shots on Dec. 22, the same day as a dental cleaning in the morning and an energy audit of our house in the afternoon. Busy day!

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