Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday Dec. 19, 2009: RIP Jack

Jack the cat went steadily downhill over the last few days, finding it increasingly difficult for him to breath. We took him to the vet this morning and now he's buried in the woods with Shadow and Princess Debbie in the woods behind the house.

I had planned to call out today from work when I knew kids would be here for the weekend, but with an upcoming snow storm, I'm extra glad I was planning not to be there. On top of this, as I went downstairs yesterday evening, I ended up having to jump down the last couple of stairs and now my replaced knee hurts. So that's what I used as my reason for not working today. I'm scheduled to work 6:45AM - 2:45PM tomorrow and hopefully will get in there, although I have a feeling the store won't be opening that early.

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