Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday July 22, 2009: The Hip Cortisone Shot

It wasn't too bad, although not exactly pleasant. I was led into a room that reminded me of an operating room----and to think the last operating room I was in, I don't even remember---. The doctor, a Dr. Sherman, came in and introduced himself and briefly discussed the procedure as did an assistant. I did remember to ask about how long to wait for PT and the answer was 24 hours-and to take it easy for them. I didn't have to change---just had to move the sweat pants and undies (nothing like being discreet) down to my thighs once I was covered by a blanket. I could see my hip on a monitor. They put in some kind of dye to be able to see things clearly. Betadine was swabbed on the area too and then some numbing agent. The shot itself was very quick and not particularly painful at all. I didn't watch the monitor while the shot was being administered. So that's all done. Reports will be sent to Dr. Rogell, Dr. Miller, and Dr. Maki.
And I could take my Mobic again with dinner. Halleleujah!
Now I just have to wait for the cortisone to kick in and the Mobic (Meloxicam) to kick in.

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