Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tues. Sept. 16, 2008: Tomorrow's the day!

Hard to believe it's almost here. I get nervous when I'm not busy computering, cleaning or doing something else constructive!
The nurse from Danbury Hospital called around 1PM. Big discussion with the nurse who said part of their usual instructions is for the patient to take Celebrex prior to the procedure (at home). However, after much discission, we decided I wouldn't do that but would bring my Celebrex with me. About a minute after the call, the phone rang again and it was the nurse again who said she spoke to the anesthesiologist who said I should NOT take the Celebrex and they'd give me something else.
So that's all for now. No deep last thoughts on the subject because I can't think of any. Plus the large cannoli in the refrigerator is calling my name!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wed. Sept. 10, 2008:One week to go

So here we sit with 1 week to go. Hard to believe! So here's a quick run down of what's happened since my birthday:
Friday the 5th, I had my pre-op with the ortho. who also gave me a tube of Volaren Gel to see if it helps for pain relief for a short bit before the surgery. As an NSAID gel, I had to stop using it by Tuesday(yesterday) but as it didn't do much of anything, I'm saving it for another day! I also got my PT prescription so I stopped at the PT part and got my appointments. He also gave me a prescription for Phisohex with which I have to wash my knee the night before and the morning of my surgery. I almost fainted when the price was $60 for a large bottle of something I may use 2-3 teaspoons of! I also got, for filling the prescription, a $25 gift card from CVS and got some odds and ends.
SAturday the 6th, I worked 12-6PM. I saw my friend Karen whom I was going to call a few days later to discuss rides to PT. My knees survived. The ride home from work was bad as Tropical Storm Hanna (a former hurricane) was passing through and the puddles were terrible. The storm got worse after I got home so I was glad to get home when I did.
Sunday the 7th, I worked 10:45-2:45. It was almost the longest 4 hours of my life. I could barely move. Not fun!
Monday the 8th, in the morning, a call from the ortho office, they need a new xray of my knee so I have to go in on Tuesday (no appointment necessary). It's also my last day of work. I first stopped at the HR department to say I'd be on leave for at least 1 month and find out I got $10 worth of Macy money:) I worked 1-6 and it wasn't as bad as Sunday but I was still pooped when I got home.
Tuesday the 9th, I went for my xray and the office stank as one of their xray machines had leaked and the whole place smelled like sulphur. Yuck! Our recliner love seat was delivered in the afternoon. Hooray! We also went to Cold Stone Creamery so I could use my birthday free ice cream coupon. Delicious!
WHich brings us to today. No big plans. I need to work on the Neighbor to Neighbor campaign papers so they're done before surgery. If my glasses come in, I'll go get them, but nothing else will be happening! At this time next week, hopefully the surgery will be over and everything will be fine.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Th. Sept. 4, 2008: Happy Birthday to Me!

You say it's your birthday!
It's my birthday too, yea!

And my platelet count was 113,000 at the hematologist! Hooray! I had been told I needed a count of 50,000 without treatment for the surgery but today, he reread a paper that said a count of 70,000 without treatment, which would have been prednisone or WinRho! So the platelet dance did its magic! Yea!

Tomorrow is the ortho. pre-op and I've typed up a list of questions for that~!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sept. 3, 2008: Big Big Ouchies

My right knee has decided to have a life of its own and has gotten really really bad since I stopped the Celebrex-only 2 days ago! I went to the eye doctor this afternoon after working 5 hours (with an hour at home in between), it was hard to concentrate on the eye test. YEsterday was the pre-op at the primary where the EKG caused difficulties with interference showing up in the tracings. Waiting now to hear from them. TOmorrow brings the hematologist appointment in mid-afternoon as well as my birthday.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better and if I don't hear from Dr. MAki's office, at least I'll be getting the results of a platelet count at the hematology office.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday August 25, 2008: Slight change of plan

I got a call in little while ago changing my pre-op with Dr. Schweitzer to the same time, the next day. So instead of having 2 appointments on Sept. 4, which also happens to be my birthday, I have only 1. But meanwhile, I made an eye doctor appointment because I f0und out I could get new glasses as of Sept. 1. So as a result, I now have a doctor's appointment every day but
Monday, which is Labor Day. So here's next week's agenda:

Sunday 8/31: BBQ at friend's
Monday 9/01: Labor Day and I'm off
Tuesday 9/02: Pre op with my primary doctor in Ridgefield in the morning.
Wednesday 9/03: Work 9:30-2:30 in lingerie and have a 4PM appointment with the eye doctor at an eye place in the mall since that's what our insurance covers and I can chose new frames as well, all for $15.
Thursday 9/04: My birthday and an afternoon appointment with the hematologist
Friday 9/05: Pre op with the orthopedist in the morning.
Saturday 9/06: Work 12-6PM in the larger ladies' sizes again (I scheduled this myself--6 hours I'm hoping I won't regret).

Then I have only the week after until my last day on the 13th-or at least the last day I said I'd be available to be scheduled.

And today I stayed home from work. I worked Saturday and Sunday, Sunday in China where I mostly stood around. One of the people worked with had a terrible cough and cold. I was scheduled to be there this morning with her and my knee hurt and I didn't want to be there with her germs so I called out. I don't have to work now until Friday when I'm in children's. Then I said I wasn't available for the whole Labor Day weekend since I wanted to be able to go to Ron's annual Labor Day festivities, although this year, it will be a retirement party for his wife!

Meanwhile I started a new project last week. I've been going through my iTunes in alphabetical order, listening to everything (or pushing the arrow to the end of the song so it counts, lol). I try to listen to 1 letter a day, although I've listened to 2 in one day. Currently I'm in the "I"s. It's currently on "I Go to Extremes" by Billy Joel.

Probably won't be updating until next week with each appointment. Until then, see ya later alligata.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Aug. 11, 2008: Yesterday

Yesterday I forgot to mention that it was the anniversary of the event that precipitated this past year's surgeries---A year ago yesterday, while vacuuming in the bedroom, I tripped on the vacuum cleaner wire and landed on my knees. I felt the right knee cap move, which is not a good feeling. I most likely would've ended up eventually at the point where I am now, needing a PKR, as I was always having swelling in the one spot where I now need the replacement with the accompanying pain, but this injury sped things along.
And tomorrow is my 30th wedding anniversary. Never expected to have bad knees on this date 30 years ago!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aug. 10, 2008: Nothing New!

Haven't updated in a week as nothing much has happened. Feeling achy because I ran out of Celebrex but have now ordered some and hopefully they will arrive the first half of this coming week. WHen I rodered it, I discovered the copay had gone from $137 (not cheap to begin with) to $150. Thinking after this refill (and there are none left anyway), I may change medications although it works very well. $150 is really expensive!
Last Saturday we went to Massachusetts to see Allen and Kathy and to have a BBQ with Kathy's parents. Unfortunately the weather wasn't so great but it was nice to see every one. And we got Polar Soda that we ordered through Allen and schlepped it home.

We had mice issues this week in the kitchen. I cleaned out everything and put new shelf paper in, but there might still be something there. HATE HATE HATE mice. On a brighter note, I tried a recipe for fish tacos and the limey coleslaw that goes with them was yummy.

I'll be telling work this week (probably will go in on Wednesday as I don't work until Saturday) about the surgery and will tell them my last day of work can be Sept. 13. Then I'll go on leave. Not sure how long I have to be out from work but as much as I'm not thrilled with the job, at least I'll know I have something to go back to (hopefully) when I can.

And I got a call from my friend Maria who has found out she has mild lupus. I'll be meeting her Tuesday morning (my anniversary morning) at Windmill Diner for coffee/tea.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008: The shoulders

I decided yesterday after a shoulder aching 5 hours at work and the last week having shoulder aches, to make an appointment to (hopefully) get a cortisone shot in each of my shoulders so I made an appointment, which is today at 11AM. Knees are achy (so what else is new).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27, 2008: To Boston and Back

We drove to Boston yesterday, getting slightly lost because of the incompatability of GPS and the Big Dig, paid $3.50 for the privilege of driving through Logan Airport by accident, but we did get to Andy's place eventually. After checking everything out, we went into central Boston and had a great lunch at Durgin Park, which included Yankee Pot Roast and Indian Pudding. We took the T around town (public transportation) which isn't good for bad knees. But we did go to the Boston Public Library and Symphony Hall but couldn't go in.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008: Part Deux

Got a call from the surgery scheduler. They hadn't gotten the allergy test results so after I spoke to her, I called to get them faxed over there. In the meantime, I now have a surgery date: Wednesday Sept. 17 at 7:30AM. He does surgery at the Health South Surgical CEnter (outpatient stuff) the week of Sept. 7, which is when I wanted it, so I had to go for the week afterwards. I've now scheduled my pre-op with Dr. Maki (changed my annual check up appointment with her into a pre-op appointment) on Sept. 2. On Sept. 4, my birthday, I see Dr. Schweitzer for a pre-op with him at 10AM and see Dr. Abrams the hematologist at 11:30, for a platelet count. Dr. Abrams had wanted to see me a week before the surgery but since he'll be out of the office that week, I had to make it for the week before. He'll do a platelet count and determine if I need any treatment, which I doubt I will, since Dr. Schweitzer said a count of 50000 or more would be fine. And since my count is always higher than that, it shouldn't be a problem. I won't tell work about the surgery until closer to the date.
Feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

July 16, 2008: The day

Got through yesterday's trek to New Haven which included a stop at the MRI center at Yale-New Haven, breakfast at Ikea, and browsing through Ikea, getting a few small odds and ends and a rug for upstairs. I managed to get lousy dental floss stuck in between my teeth a little while ago and got most out but it feels like something is still there.
Around 9:15 AM, I'll be calling the scheduling lady at CFO. I'll be making sure she/they got the allergy test results and asking her to schedule the surgery. I'm a bit nervous but it's a step moving forward and maybe by the end of the week, I'll have a date for the surgery. Like a year ago when my knee was hurting at night, I had a dream last night with one of the orthos in it! Very weird.
I'll get back here when I know anything from my call.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13, 2008: Respite

Got temporary confused a few minutes ago. Somehow my computer thought it was June 13, not July 13! Now I fixed it so hopefully I won't get confused again. I survived working Friday and Saturday, although Saturday's 5.5 hours left me really achy. I'm not scheduled to work this coming week but I did get brave and used the self-serve scheduling feature on the store web site and scheduled myself for a couple of days the following week, 5 hours each day. On Tuesday, I'll be going to Yale-New Haven Hospital, actually one of the other buildings, when Henry has his 1-year MRI scan, followed by a visit to Ikea, about 5 minutes from the Yale medical neighborhood of New Haven. And if I haven't heard anything by Wednesday from the ortho. office regarding my allergy test results and various other odds and ends, I'm going to call the scheduling lady and see if she can start working on scheduling my surgery for September.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9,2008: Back from the dermatologist

Got back a little while ago from the dermatologist's office where he checked the results of the allergy test. I had a slight reaction to the fragrance test but not to anything else except the paper tape that was holding the test on me (which wasn't officially part of the allergy testing, lol). I have to check tomorrow morning to see if the disk part of the test on my arms has erupted and if it does, I have to go back tomorrow, but he's not expecting that. So I'm officially not allergic (although I still have problems with cheap jewelry) to titanium or to nickel which is good as far the upcoming surgery goes.
It feels good not to have any kind of testing on me for now. And I'll be able to start my allergy medicine again tomorrow or the day after,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8, 2008: Oops!

I discovered last night that I actually have 2 panels on me for allergy testing. The other is panel 2.1 from the same company (see aforementioned web site). Managed to sleep last night. It's supposed to be warm out today so I'll try to stay cool.

Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008: Nickel Allergy Testing, Round 2

Got my skin patch stuff put on me---everything from nickel to wool to balsam of Peru and fragrances to materials used in antibiotic creams to adhesives used in bandages and postage stamps on me-12 tests on this one patch, including nickel. It;s a panel thing stuck to my back. I discovered the manufacturer of this test, Mekos Laboratories, is in Denmark, in Hillerod. and the test itself is made there. The doctor also stuck the 2 disks, cobalt and titanium, back on my arms, but on the upperarm. He told me if they need more tape to add it to the top, not take off the tape he put on. No showers for me until Wednesday evening as my appointment isn't until after 5PM on Wednesday. The doctor also said that the week long test I had was far too long and it weasn't necessary to do it for that long! I'm also supposed to not get hot or sweaty!!
This is test, panel 1.1:

TRUE TEST dermatitis and contact allergy testing

The results will be sent to the ortho. office Thursday, I figure, since my appointment is so late on Wednesday and ortho. office closes at 5ish.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008: Belated Happy 4th and tomorrow

Belated Happy 4th of July. I worked 1-6 that day. I'm finding for sure that my latest cortisone shot, administered almost 5 weeks ago, has just about run out of steam. I could tell that after work yesterday plus my knee is beginning to keep me up again and is feeling hot at times again. The cortisone shot gave me a false feel of improvement in the knee's condition but now that it's running out, I can tell I definitely still need to do the replacement!

Tomorrow is the allergy test at the dermatologist's office in Ridgefield. Hoping it won't be too itchy. I'll have to go back on Wednesday for the results and then the dermatology office is supposed to be sending the results to CT Family Orthopedics so Dr. Schweitzer can find a knee for me. Then I figure I'll hear from the surgery scheduler shortly thereafter to get a date for the surgery.

Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008: 1 week gone

1 week (almost) since the tape was removed from each arm for the nickel allergy test. The marks are still there, but disappearing slowly but surely. A week from today, I'll be starting another test, that time a patch test on the back, I believe. The picture is what my right arm, which had more of a reaction than the left arm, looked like yesterday (or was it Saturday?? I think Saturday or maybe even Friday???!). WHo knows ? But this is what it looked like then. The photo has a date so figure it out by yourself:)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25, 2008: The appointment

I went to my appointment yesterday afternoon with the PA at the orthopedic office. Turns out Dr. Schweitzer wanted to see me too. Both confirmed I had a reaction to both disks and I was told to call an allergist for more testing. So I did, when I got home, only to find out that it is actually a dermatologist I need to see. So I have an appointment on July 7 for the test at a dermatologist in Ridgefield. I go back for the follow up on July 9. Thankfully, it's not going to be a 1 week ordeal again. Because of the July 4 holiday weekend and the fact that the dermatology office is closed on Fridays for the summer, I have to wait until then for the testing. The dermatologist office will send the results onto the ortho. office and from that, they'll hopefully find a knee I can actually have without being allergic to it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24: The nickel test is over

The tape came off last night at 6:30. Not a pretty sight. We first thought the redness was from the tape but come this AM, we've decided the redness is more likely a reaction. The redness is more acute on the titanium side than the cobalt side. So I decided to call the doctor's office and now have a 2PM appointment with the physician's assistant there to show him/her. I even put some photos on a CD to take with me. The top picture was taken within a minute of the tape removal last night. The middle picture is of my right arm this morning (titanium disk) and the one on the bottom is my left arm taken a couple of hours later (cobalt disk). I'll report back later on what the PA said.
I also called the surgery scheduler and left a voice mail saying the hematologist wants me asleep for the surgery. She may or may call me back or maybe I'll stop in to see her while I'm there.

Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008: Hematologist appointment

I had a 9AM appointment with my hematologist today and I didn't leave the hospital until 10:30! I mainly waited and waited. When I finally got to go into the patients' area, I was sent to an infusion room as all the regular rooms (the non-oncology) I go to were occupied. So the nurse drew my blood, went through everything there. Once she was done, she opened the curtain and there was a lady in the next chair getting chemotherapy. She and I talked a little. She has pancreatic cancer. Then I finally was moved to a regular one where I had time to read about 5 magazines before the doctor came in. He is fine with the 50,000 count that the knee replacement suggested was the minimum safe count. I told him about the spinal and he agreed about not having it (he said he wouldn't have it) and said I should sleep through it. Count was 72,000 (I think)--in the 70s which he said was my norm so there was no problem with that, and he reiterated I am Rh+ positive so I could have WinRho if I needed to boost the count. I have to go back 1 week before the surgery for a count and from the count, he'll decide whether or not to treat me, if necessary, and if necessary, with what. That would be decided then.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 21, 2008: Happy Birthday, Andy!

Today is my youngest son's 22nd birthday. He arrived at 10:08AM, 4 weeks early. Due July 20, he was scheduled to be born (I knew I was having a csection) 4 weeks early, at 6 lbs. 1 oz., not tiny, and had to trouble. He stayed in the NICU for only 6 hours and then sent to the regular nursery after that. And now he's 22, is a recent college graduate, and is working and living in the Boston area! 22 years flew by!
Meanwhile, I am so sick of this nickel allergy testing to be over with. The tape, the disks, the incovenience are driving me nuts. I haven't taken a shower since Monday night, although I've taken some crummy baths! Washing hair in the kitchen sink isn't fine=makes my neck ache for a day afterwards. Sleeping with the tape unraveling isn't fun. Not taking allergy medication isn't fun. Yesterday I went to work and the lady in the dresses, where I was to spend the afternoon, thought I wouldn't be able to handle putting away the dresses alone (I'd be alone) because I can;t carry things on my arms because of the tape. So I got moved to anotehr department (and went to 1 more, and actually ended the day back in dresses for 1/2 an hour). I am scheduled to be in dresses again today. And guess what, I am alone and I have to open the register or 2 or 3 or 4. And I've never done that before. I'm just working until 1:30. Then I'm coming home to go to sleep. I really don't feel like working but really need the money so I'm going. I can't tell you how much I'd like to not go in!The testing ends Monday at 6:30PM, exactly 1 week after it started.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18, 2008 A picture of the nickel testing

I forgot to post this picture last night so I'm doing it now. I thought I felt a few little twinges of stuff going on under the Cobalt disk during the night but it didn't seem to materialize this morning. I had to go to the store this morning and get more tape, though. 2 rolls better be enough!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17, 2008: And so it goes

The tape holding the disks for the nickel allergy testing doesn't want to behave. It tends to get stuck on material, furniture, whatever it comes in contact with!
Meanwhile I found an interesting article on a web site:

eMedicine - Immune Response to Implants : Article by Steven I Rabin

Meanwhile, I haven't had any itchy or red reactions to either disk but it hasn't been 24 hours even yet since I put them on. 6:30PMish will mark 24 hours.

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16, 2008: An unexpected call

This afternoon I got an unexpected phone call from Barbara, the surgery scheduler at the ortho office, saying the disks for the nickel allergy tests had come in. She gave me instructions on what to do with them as well. I went over to the office, going down a skunky-smelling Osborne Street, and picked them up. I also stopped at RiteAid to get paper tape, as instructed to use to hold the disks in place. After dinner and a shower-since I'd have to put plastic wrap on each taped area I showered tonight even though I showered last night, lol-, Henry put each disk on me. One says CO on it, which we think means Cobalt and the other says TI which we think means Titanium. So I have to keep these disks on me for 7 days or until I get a reaction from 1 or both of them or get no reaction from 1 or both of them. As of right now, the tape is getting annoying! I'll be curious to see how everything feels tomorrow morning.
And my platelets seem to be doing well. I bumped into an upright log yesterday in the garage and it fell on my foot. It hurt! No bruise ! I was happy since this meanas my platelets are probably doing well. I'll be seeing the hematologist a week from today and I'll be curious to hear what he has to say about the upcoming surgery. He was concerned when I mentioned just the possibiltiy of this surgery back in September. I got the impression from him that I.T.P. and partial knee replacements don't mix well. But Dr. Schweitzer said anything 50,000 or better should and it hasn't been that low in almost 4 years, and that was only when I had a tick bite!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12, 2008

Nothing very interesting going on. I have today off so my knees can rest today! Still getting used to having only 1 cat, not 2. We got a condolence card from the vet's office today. Jack, the remaining cat, is still and will probably remain oblivious to the change.
Guess that's it for the day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008: Sad News

We got up this morning to discover our cat Shadow, who would've been 13 next week, died during the night. Not sure why although he had gotten slightly wheezy again in the last few weeks. This picture is of Shadow, in one of his "fad" spots to sleep, a spot where he liked to nap during the day for a few weeks.

In the meantime, I worked 5 hours yesterday and 4 hours today, which was especially tough. Between thinking about Shadow and being busy and having pain in the neck customers, my knees, especially the right one, was really achy by the time I got home. I'm glad I'm off tomorrow and Friday but I do have to work 5 hours on Saturday, from 1-6PM in the same "Better Casuals" department I was in today. After today, seriously considering not returning there after recovering from surgery. I will have to find some other job that doesn't require being on my feet all the time.

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9, 2008: A decision

Late yesterday afternoon, I finally made a decision about when I want the surgery. The week of September 7. It's after my birthday, it's after Labor Day, not too hot, not too cold yet. I'll call the surgery scheduler the last MOnday in July and hopefully by that Wednesday she'll have a date and time for me. If that week isn't possible, I make it for the week after or however it needs to be done.
Meanwhile, I've been enjoying playing Wii now that we've inherited Andy's (son's). I played a lot of tennis and bowling yesterday (actually played a 180 point game a couple of times yesterday) and tried golf which I was terrible at. It's nice to sort of do some exercise without really doing some exercise. I think I sweated enough to fill a bucket while I was playing, though.
A heat wave is continuing here from this weekend. I'm working some on Tuesday and Wednesday and it'll be good to be in air conditioning, assuming it works where I'll be working.
And I'll enjoy this week as I have no doctor's appointments finally!

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008: Consultation Day

I saw the doctor this morning. The hospital stay is 1-2 nights, depending on how I feel following surgery. Risks of surgery, infection and eventual failure of the joint, but he also said he could last me the rest of my life because I am fairly young to have this procuedure.The surgery is often done under a spinal, something I probably can't/don't have because of my platelets (I'd rather be out anyway). I have to be tested closer to the date of the surgery to see if I am sensitive to the nickel in part of the prostheses. If I am (and expect to be), he'll find another one and test me for that one too. He doesn't require PT beforehand. After, maybe 12-16 sessions of PT. My range of motion may stay or the same or be slightly less (it was 119 degrees, I believe, today). There is no gender specific replacement and actually the gender specific total knee replacement is a marketing hype-the company just added more sizes to their products. He's been doing total knee replacements for about 30 years, the partial for about 10 (I think).My average platelet count is fine for the surgery but he'll be talking to the hematologist (whom I see in about 2.5 weeks and will mention and discuss everything with him then). I can wait until the fall. I just have to contact the practice's surgery coordinator 4-6 weeks prior to when I want it and that's when I'll have the allergy testing. The surgery itself takes 1 to 1.5 hours unless, I would assume, there are unforeseen issues.
I am thinking about the 1st week of October sounding good for surgery but that may change if it starts being really bad again (which it probably will when Tuesday's cortisone shot wears out!).

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5, 2008: The questions

I've gotten my list together of questions for Dr. Schweitzer tomorrow. I've also printed up a copy of my platelet count document. Here are my questions:

Questions for Friday doctor’s appointment:

Would you agree, looking at my records, both the MRI scan records and surgical notes, with Dr. Gray that I am a good candidate for a partial knee replacement?
Is knee resurfacing an option? I read a little bit about it and am not sure if this is even possible.

How long have you been doing partial knee replacement?

How many have you performed in the last year?

Have you ever performed this surgery on someone with a bleeding disorder and how would that disorder be dealt with for the surgery and can you anticipate extra problems with this for the surgery? [Platelet count document]

Is there a woman’s partial knee replacement as there is for total knee replacements?

How long is the surgery?

How long is the hospital stay, on average?

How long is the recovery on average?

What pain management is used immediately following the procedure? I can’t have an epidural unless my platelet count is high enough (to be determined by Dr. Abrams).

Is an attempt made to preserve as much bone as possible?

What do you use if the patient (me) has a known sensitivity to nickel?

Is pre surgical exercises or PT to strengthen quadriceps recommended prior to the surgery?

What does the post-replacement rehab consist of?

Is it possible to schedule the surgery for the fall? Not really prepared to do it during the summer as I feel like I just had surgery (in February) and had had it in October as well?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008" No MRI for me

I just got back from my follow up with my orthopedist. I am not having an MRI. Instead, I'm having a consultation on Friday with the partial knee replacement surgeon in the practice. He looked at my previous MRI report and his surgical reports from October and said there is no cartilage basically left in 1 compartment of my knee. He mentioned the knee joint shots until I told him I just finished those and they did nothing. He gave me a cortisone shot which just buys some time for now. And, minus the low platelet count which can be dealt with prior to it, I am a perfect candidate for the partial knee replacement which is far less invasive than the total knee replacement. If I do have the surgery, which most likely will happen, I'm hoping it'll be in the fall.d

Hoping the cortisone shot will start working quickly!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1, 2008: My Appointment and The Big Move

I had my rheumatologist appointment Friday afternoon (05/30). We've positively deternined the SUpartz shots didn't help at all. She doesn't know why my knees are continuing to ache as they have been. I was offered a cortisone shot but decided to wait until I see Dr. Gray on Tuesday as he'll probably offer one (I hope). He will be ordering an MRI if the pain hasn't eased from my last appointment, which it hasn't. The report has to be sent to Arthritis Associates too.

Andy came back from Boston yesterday, employed as of Monday, and with an apartment in East Boston with his friend Dan. We spent yesterday afternoon getting his new glasses at Costco as well as some food things there, getting some stuff at Target. I could barely walk from Costco's building to the parked car. We ended up going out for dinner at the diner as my knees ached and I was too tired by the end of those errands to cook. His friends came this morning, packed up a pick up truck and are on their way to Boston, where they can move into the apartment at 4PM. The picture above is of the move.
So Tuesday 10AM is my orthopedic appointment and I'll be back after that.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008: One Day To Go

Expecting a reminder call from Arthritis Associates today reminding me I have a 3:45PM appointment tomorrow. It's a follow up for the Supartz shots. Easy answer to the question of: did they work: No No No. Knee woke me up with pain last night, although it didn't feel too bad unless I was taking a walk out on our street. I seem to be aiming more and more down the road to partial knee replacement in the late fall perhaps. I'll see. DEpends on MRI results next week, assuming Dr. Gray, on Tuesday, orders one, which he said he would if it still hurts (which it does) and actually may hurt more than when I saw him last.
Andy's off to Boston and we're hoping there'll be word of his employment this afternoon.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008

I took a pain pill last night before bed which helped and I slept for about 4 hours. It then ran out but I went back to sleep. Today it doesn't seem so bad, though far from perfect. Nothing else very exciting.

Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23, 2008, A rotten night

My knee cracked a few times while I was watching TV last night. And my eyes were blood shot and scratchy all day, uncomfortably!LAst night it took me a while to fall asleep because of my eyes. I had taken 1 TYlenol PM and a couple of regular TYlenol. Once I finally fell asleep, I woke up around 4 and my knee was killing me. It hurt that the PJ leg was bunched up by it. Didn't help I had a hot flash then, lol. Ended up finally getting more Tylenol and I finally fell asleep again. This AM, I put my knee brace on and took an extra Celebrex (as allowed) with breakfast. I see the rheumy PA a week from today and the ortho 4 days after that. Hoping the ortho will then order the MRI so he can see what's going on in there and make some recommendations.

And if anyone else besides me is reading this, please leave a comment!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008

We're back home in CT. I slept most of the way home and was pretty stiff by the time we got out of the car. Knee's been behaving although painfully the last few days. A week from tomorrow I go back to the rheumatology office for a follow-up on the 5 Supartz shots. I think they worked minimally. My knee isn't cracking as much but it still has a lot of pain along the medial side below to above the knee. Fun fun fun. Meanwhile, here's a picture of the graduation family:)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17, 2008

So here we are in Allentown, PA for college graduation tomorrow. The hotel pool is under renovation so I couldn't try to see how my knees were while swimming. However, we did walk around campus and then around a local mall, which, when we got back to the hotel, necessitated a round of ice.
Last night, while killing time, I found a couple of interesting links:

http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/knee-pain-overview This is an overview of knee pain from WebMD.

http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/knee-pain/features/why-you-must-protect-your-knees This is why women need to protect their knees. Also from WebMD.

We'll be leaving in a little over an hour for dinner and then the baccalaureate services on campus, followed by a reception for seniors and their families with the college president. I hope my knees last!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15, 2008

Getting ready to leave tomorrow afternoon for Pennsylvania for graduation festivities. Hope my knee(s) hold out! This afternoon my back decided to misbehave and is a little bit tight. My right knee is still killing me despite ice. I chickened out of taking a Darvocet, which I have left from my October and February surgeries (didn't even fill a new prescription for it in February because I had so many left from the October surgery), last night before going to bed. 2 Tylenols and a Costco brand Tylenol PM helped a bit.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My first post

May 14, 2008: I am starting this blog to keep track of all my issues so I have it in one place and others can check it out (if they so dare). First I'm going to copy and paste my original document which will bring us to today's date.

Until 1997, I had never stepped foot in an orthopedist's office. It was for a foot issue ironically that was resolved by a couple of months of physical therapy. With a break between the resolution of that problem and March of 2002, I didn't have any contact again except when one of my sons managed to break his wrist a coupleof times. From that February until now, I have managed to create a long history of issues. In December, 2006, my orthopedist referredme to a rheumatologist because of ongoing knee pain due to osteoarthritis. In preparation for my first visit with him, I wrote a list that enumerated all my issues that I had had until that point. Since then, I've been adding to it as problems have come up and I will continue to do. I live in northern Fairfield County, Connecticut.

February 2002: Pain in shoulder. PCP recommends seeing Dr. Gray. Xrays taken and shoulder bursitis diagnosed. Degeneration in the neck is also seen in the xray. Take Celebrex to reduce inflammation.
March – June 2002: PT for shoulder bursitis.
Winter 2003: May have slipped on icy stuff outside (not sure). Knees start to ache, left more than right. MRI scan reveals tear of left medial meniscus.
June 03, 2003: Partial meniscusectomy on left knee. No arthritis seen at time of the surgery.
July 2003: Right knee starts to ache more. Have 2 weeks of PT to see if ache is caused by months of compensating for left knee. PT makes it worse.
August 2003: MRI of right knee shows tear of right medial meniscus with a cyst. No arthritis seen at time of the surgery.
October 7, 2003: Partial meniscusectomy of right knee.
February 2004: Left shoulder gets incredibly achy. MRI shows shoulder arthritis. Cortisone shots and Celebrex for a while.
Summer 2004: Right shoulder aches-MRI scan shows arthritis in that shoulder.
Fall 2004: Both knees start to ache. See Dr. Gray who recommends PT for chondromalacia of the patella and maltracking patella in both knees.
October 2004 – January 2005: PT for knees. Besides exercises, learn to tape knees to hold them in place.

Take Relafen for while.
January 2005: During PT for knees, feet start to ache---plantar fasciitis. PT for it through about April 2005.
October 2005: Slip and knees, especially right one, really start to ache. Thinking possible meniscus tear, MRI ordered which shows no tear but arthritis instead.
December 23, 2005: 1st shot of Supartz with Dr. Gray
Dec. 30, 2005: 2nd shot of Supartz.
Jan. 6, 2006: 3rd shot of Supartz.
Supartz shots do nothing. Only 3 shots approved by insurance.Start Celebrex again on March 2006.
September 2006: Horrible pain down the outside of left leg and around knee. X-ray of hips taken which doesn’t show arthritis. Diagnosed with ITBS and hip bursitis.
September – November 2006: PT for ITBS and hip bursitis, which feels mostly better.
Call CT Family Orthopedics to discuss a possible change in Celebrex prescription, which is about to expire, due to falling platelet counts. PA says to stop Celebrex in December 2006 as platelet count falls in that period from 98,000 when I started taking it in April to 65,000 in that time so I stop December 6, 2006. PA prescribes generic Ultram which makes me feel terrible. I mention Limbrel, which then PA says Dr. Gray wants to see me.
Dec. 22. 2006: See Dr. Gray who recommends I see a rheumatologist. Take Tylenol twice a day, in the AM and the PM before bed. Every ache I ever had returns!
January 16, 2007: Evaluation and consultation with Dr. Miller. Loose joints which makes me more prone to injuries caused by repetitive actions. Back on Celebrex.
May 14, 2007: Cortisone shot in right knee, which wears out by July 4 at Dr, Miller’s office with his PA, Sydney.
August 10, 2007: While vacuuming, I manage to trip on the cord of the vacuum cleaner. I land on both knees as if in prayer. I swear it feels like my right kneecap moved. Very painful. Realize later this is what has caused the next round of surgery (see below).
August 20, 2007: Another cortisone shot in the right knee with Sydney.
Sept. 17, 2007: See Sydney at AA (Arthritis Associates) who tells me to get an MRI.
Sept. 18, 2007: MRI done at Northeast Radiology in Brewster.
Sept 20, 2007: MRI results show a retear of the right knee meniscus, probably degenerative, and arthritis, moderate advanced, closer to severe (the worst). Told to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gray at CFO. Actually report shows 2 tears. Here is the report:


Patient Name: Caroline XXXXXXl
Date of Birth: 09/04/1954 MRNO: XXXX
Exam Date: 09/18/2007 Accession: XXXXX
CA: 3422


MRI right Knee.

Clinical History: Prior right knee arthroscopic surgery with recurrent symptoms.

Technique: Open Magnet. Multiplanar imaging was performed utilizing standard technique. Correlation is made with a prior MRI of the right knee dated 12/5/2005.

The examination once again demonstrates moderate deformity involving the posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus consistent with a prior partial meniscectomy. There is horizontally oriented linear high signal extending within the posterior horn remnant which was not seen on the prior MRI consistent with a recurrent medial meniscal tear. Moderately advanced osteoarthritis is once again seen throughout the medial compartment manifested by joint space narrowing, subchondral cyst formation with reactive marrow edema more pronounced at the level the medial tibial , osteophyte formation, as well as regions of grade IV chondromalacia. A nondisplaced horizontal tear is noted involving the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus.

There is a small joint effusion associated with a small Baker's cyst. A 1 cm debris containing synovial cyst is seen along the posterior supracondylar region of the distal femur within the midline which has increased on the order of 4 mm when compared to the prior MRI. No significant ligament or tendon abnormality is appreciated. Subchondral cyst formation is seen at the level of the tibial spines. The articular cartilage of the lateral compartment appears preserved. Grade I chondromalacia is seen along the medial retropatellar cartilage.

Impression: Recurrent tear posterior horn medial meniscus associated moderately advanced medial compartment osteoarthritis. Horizontal tear anterior horn lateral meniscus. Increase in size of a presumed synovial cyst seen along the posterior supracondylar region of the distal femur.

Thank you for referring this patient.

Date/Time Dictated: 09/19/2007 11:14:31 AM

***********************END OF REPORT***********************

09/25/2007: See Dr. Gray-arthroscopic surgery for lateral tear and will clean out joint. Unicomparmental replacement will be needed eventually. Waiting for surgery date.
10/15/2007: Dr. Gray does another partial meniscetomy. Awaiting photo and results. No photo from him. 30-40% of right lateral meniscus removed. A little arthritis seen. “Diamonds and Gold” found too, ha haJ

Oct. 19, 2007

Stitches out, Oct. 24, 2007

Dec. 18, 2007: Return to Dr. Gray for left knee pain. He takes xrays of both knees, saying right knee shows more arthritis than left knee. However, given where my left knee pain is, at the joint, he thinks it could be another torn meniscus. Orders an MRI to be done. Currently waiting for a date for one, hopefully by the end of the year. I also mention thinking of having a partial knee replacement of right knee by the end of next year.
Dec. 24. 2007: MRI of left knee done at Northeast Radiology Danbury office. High field extremity MRI machine where you sit down and stick your limb into a mini-MRI tunnel,. Will get the results Jan. 2, 2008.
01/02/2008: Appointment with Dr. Gray. Tear in the left knee medial meniscus. Surgery scheduled for 02/04/2008.
01/17/2008: After increasing pain in both shoulders, especially the right, I go to rheumatologist’s office. Get a cortisone shot in each shoulder from Sydney. After looking at my right knee, she tells me to increase Celebrex to twice a day from now until when I have to stop taking it prior to surgery. Improvement is noticed the next day even!
01/21/2008: Pre-op with Dr. Maki. Waiting for platelet count results, hopefully tomorrow! Finally get most of blood work results on 01/24. All are fine but platelet count is not done.
01/25/2008. Go back to Ridgefield in the morning for another blood draw for results today. While in JC Penney’s, Dr. Maki calls to say it’s 162,000, the highest that I know of since 1980. No explanation for it, but it means everything is a go for the surgery. Surgery scheduled for 7:30AM (the first one of the day).
02/04/08: Surgery done at 7:30. Awake in the recovery room by 8:45AM and home before 10:30! Partial menisectomy and debridement done. Details to be gotten on 02/13/2008 when stitches come out. No nausea following the surgery and for the days immediately following it.

02/13/08: Happy 24th birthday, Jonathan. Stitches out. Left medial meniscus now has 50% of its original self. A “hole in the knee,” a tear in the articular cartilage at the femur (thigh) one was seen and torn cartilage cleaned there. That spot will need in a year or two probably an OATS procedure http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00422 then.

03/19/2008: Made a web site a couple of weeks using this document as the basis for it http://hometown.aol.com/iamcaroline109/myhomepage/index.html Having gotten myself an on-call job at Macy’s yesterday and having increasingly stiff toes and my ankles are hurting (in addition to continuing heel aches) and ongoing knee pain, I decided today to call the rheumatologist’s office and get myself an appointment with Sydney there. It’s not until a week from today so I guess I’ll have to manage until then. Among things to discuss with her are surgery outcome (possible OATs thing), maybe getting a series of 5 Supartz shots (maybe give them a shot, haha, again), inquiring about TENs machines, and finding out if I can/should use my knee brace when working, Wondering what the hematologist will say at my Friday appointment when I tell him about the OATs procedure. Well, meanwhile, I just have to wait until next Wednesday.
03/26/2008: Thorough appointment. I brought a list with me so I got all my questions answered. TENS machine isn't for me except possibly for my feet. Ankle pain ISN'T arthritis. It's due to the way I stand and walk now because of my knees. My feet are pronating so I stand and walk funny. The ankle pain is from the tendons stretching to accommodate how my feet are. The toes are probably arthritic. I can wear my knee brace (even if it gets stinky, lol). She's going to see if she can get 5 Supartz (artificial knee fluid) shots approved. I had only 3 last time, which did nothing. 5 should hopefully work better this time. I'll be called when the approval and scheduling of the procedures is done (assuming 5 are approved). I can double up on the Celebrex as necessary. She started writing me a prescription for Ultram, which she stopped writing when I said it made me wacky. I said I'd use the leftover Darvocets from my surgeries if I really need it (which hopefully won't happen).
03/28/2008: Got a call yesterday from the rheumy office saying insurance will cover 85% of the cost of Supartz shots #s 1 and 2 because I haven’t quite reached my deductible. #s 3, 4 and 5 will be covered 100%. Hooray! I have scheduled the next 5 Friday afternoons in a row to get the shots, starting a week from today. I brought a list of those days to work today and said I had to leave by 2:30 for those days. Didn’t say specifically why because I didn’t want them to think I was incapable of doing the job. Just said I had doctor’s appointments.
04/04/2008. 1st Supartz injection this afternoon. The shot was PAINFUL!!!! Yikeseedoodle. First there was lidocaine and then the joint stuff. Henry was shocked (he hadn't quite believed me when I told him) that the needle with the fluid goes all the way into the knee and it's a big needle. I could've driven myself home and will next time, although it was nice to grab him when the shot was hurting. The PA also told me because this was the 2nd time I've had the stuff, there was a larger chance of having an allergic reaction to it, which would be in the next 24-48 hours. Redness, swollen knee. If that happens, I have to call the answering service to find out what to do since it'll be the weekend. She said a cortisone shot is given in case of the allergic reaction. Hoping that won't happen.So now it's onto next week!
04/11/2008: Supartz shot #2 today. Thankfully, the shot was about 1/10th as painful as last week’s shot. PA says it was because the knee isn’t as damaged in that spot as last week’s shot spot! I am very grateful because my right knee (and actually all my joints) have been really achy today due to an upcoming 3 days worth of rain storms coming in. I even took an extra Celebrex this AM and it didn’t help much. Now on to next week again…
04/18/2008: Supartz shot #3 today. Again, the less painful area was chosen for the shot! Hooray. It was gorgeous out, 85 degrees. Nice to go to the appointment with short sleeves on! I also asked the PA about my shoulder pain which feels like muscle aching. She said it’s the tendons and other stuff in my shoulder inflamed from the shoulder arthritis. She gave me a brochure with shoulder exercises to do and told me to take 2 Celebrex a day for the next 8-10 days to see if there is an improvement.
04/25/2008: Not too terrible even though she did it again in the area where it hurt A LOT with shot #1. She said she couldn't do it again in the other area because it was quite bruised there still from 2 shots in a row there. We were chatting and she told me she sees a lot of patients who have had partial knee replacements who find out 2-3 years later, they need a total knee replacement. So now I'm wondering what to do. In any event, I'm not going to be doing anything soon and will cross that bridge when I come to it! Shoulders are still aching and left knee hurts a bit. 2 more days of taking Celebrex 2X a day. Right knee feels slightly better going down stairs. Only 1 more shot to go! Yeah!
05/02/2008: Last shot day! Yeah! Tuesday, after feeling better on the stairs, I managed to trip on the laptop wire walking in the living room. Knee has been hurting since then but manageable. ITBS came back temporarily. PA says it was probably because of the twisting motion from the tripping. Have to go back in 4 weeks for a follow up.

05/12/2008: Call rheumy office about right knee pain that hasn’t improved since tripping on the wire and should I see her or Dr. Gray about it. No one calls back,05/13/2008: PA from rheumy office calls back at 9:15 this morning and says to call Dr. Gray so I do at 9:20 and get an appointment for 10AM! Appointments are running late. Dr. Gray thinks it’s the bursa in my knee and not the meniscus. Ligaments are okay. He says to ice it 3X a day for 15-20 minutes and continue Celebrex. He says to come back in 3 weeks and if it still hurts, he’ll order an MRI. Sort of interested in having an MRI anyway to see how bad it is in there. My next appointment with PA at rheumy is May 30 (Friday). Next Dr, Gray appointment is 4 days later, June 3. And Dr. Gray was worried about walking around at Andy’s graduation this weekend. But I guess I’ll have to manage.

Okay, that catches me up to today! Just added a photo at the top. It's a picture of my shredded cartilage during my June 2003 surgery.