Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008: Part Deux

Got a call from the surgery scheduler. They hadn't gotten the allergy test results so after I spoke to her, I called to get them faxed over there. In the meantime, I now have a surgery date: Wednesday Sept. 17 at 7:30AM. He does surgery at the Health South Surgical CEnter (outpatient stuff) the week of Sept. 7, which is when I wanted it, so I had to go for the week afterwards. I've now scheduled my pre-op with Dr. Maki (changed my annual check up appointment with her into a pre-op appointment) on Sept. 2. On Sept. 4, my birthday, I see Dr. Schweitzer for a pre-op with him at 10AM and see Dr. Abrams the hematologist at 11:30, for a platelet count. Dr. Abrams had wanted to see me a week before the surgery but since he'll be out of the office that week, I had to make it for the week before. He'll do a platelet count and determine if I need any treatment, which I doubt I will, since Dr. Schweitzer said a count of 50000 or more would be fine. And since my count is always higher than that, it shouldn't be a problem. I won't tell work about the surgery until closer to the date.
Feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

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