Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008" No MRI for me

I just got back from my follow up with my orthopedist. I am not having an MRI. Instead, I'm having a consultation on Friday with the partial knee replacement surgeon in the practice. He looked at my previous MRI report and his surgical reports from October and said there is no cartilage basically left in 1 compartment of my knee. He mentioned the knee joint shots until I told him I just finished those and they did nothing. He gave me a cortisone shot which just buys some time for now. And, minus the low platelet count which can be dealt with prior to it, I am a perfect candidate for the partial knee replacement which is far less invasive than the total knee replacement. If I do have the surgery, which most likely will happen, I'm hoping it'll be in the fall.d

Hoping the cortisone shot will start working quickly!

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