Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Feb 10, 2010: Oh my! Pain!

Snowing here (southwestern CT) like crazy. I walked down 6 stairs this AM and my already replaced knee hurt so badly at the bottom of them, I had to stand there a few minutes. I finally hobbled to the sofa nearby and rubbed which helped for a bit. Now it's awful again. I can barely put any weight on it or bend it without a lot of pain. If it's still this way tomorrow, I'll call the ortho. Mine does surgery on Wednesday so he wouldn't be there today even if I called (and even if the ortho office is opened--=a lot of places are either closed or are closing early). I've also iced it. It hurts right where the implant is. I have a bruise there (which I've had a few days, from walking into the corner of the dishwasher). Maybe it's the tendon. I don't know but it hurts A LOT!

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