Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday May 16, 2009: A diagnosis!

Despite the anterior tibial tendon bothering me (he says it's irritatated), I actually have posterior tibial tendonitis. I am to ice the area once a day until I see him next and he gave me an additional pair of orthotics to use for additional arch support with the pair he liked the other day. They apparently will move the stress from the tendon. He said (and I only saw after he said so) I have swelling below the medial side of my ankle and some thickening in there. I need to research but at least I know what it is. I go back in 5 weeks, and if there is no improvement, he'll give me a shot of cortisone which can possibly cause rupturing of the tendon, but that is unlikely. Hopefully things will not come to that. I do have to go out today and get some different socks because my shoes, with 2 orthotics in them, won't fit with the regular socks I wear and I can't count on it being nice out so I can just wear my little quarter socks.

I've added the picture of the problem. Actually here's another picture, labelled better!

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