Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday April 9, 2009 SHoot!

Yesterday while I was at work, only straightening tables of tables that were a mess, my left knee, the knee that doesn't have bionic parts, decided to give out not once, but twice. I took some Tylenol while still at work to see if that would help with the pain I had there after the giving out (I had already managed to hit the knee on something earlier). Helped sort of. Once home, showered, and dinnered, I iced it which helped a bit more. Today it still hurts and is slightly swollen, although not nearly as pouffy as the right knee used to get, pre-partial knee replacement. I went to Costco earlier this afternoon and wore my old knee brace which felt weird since I had only worn it on the other knee before! I was happy to take it off once I got home. Consulting with my friends at Knee Geeks, one thinks I am most likely on my way to new parts in that knee. I tend to agree with her but hope it will be a while before that happens. However, if things don't feel better with it, I'll probably end up calling the rheumy office or the ortho office and possibly get a cortisone shot (if I'm lucky). The last MRI of that knee was done in December 2007 and the knee was operated on in February 2008. The operation was a meniscus trim, chondroplasty, and a chondral defect was seen. Dr. Gray told me after the surgery only 1/2 of the medial meniscus is gone and probably even more is gone just by wear and tear.
Ah, the joys of bad knees......not.

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